Obligation Of Parents
The greater the co-operation between Parents and Teachers, the more fruitful will the educational effort be and the faster and surer the child’s progress.
As a first step in this direction we earnestly recommend the parents and the guardians, to familiarize themselves with the Handbook and the rules it contains.
We also recommend that the parents check the Handbook of their child regularly and enforce regularity and discipline at home and see that the lessons are prepared and the given homework done.
Parents and guardians are requested not to visit their ward or the teacher in the classrooms. If anyone Parents wants to meet the teachers, they can do it either before or after class hours. In urgent cases students may be contacted through the school office.
Criticism of students, teacher or the school in the presence of the child should be avoided as it is likely to harm him. Should you have a serious complaint, see the HM, by all means.
Children who are ill should not be sent to the School to attend class.
Taking leave from the class for mere social functions is not recommended, in the school.
Should you feel that your child does not make the desired progress, the HM should be contacted?
Parents/guardians are requested to notify the school of any change in their address/cell phone numbers.
Parents should discourage their children from bringing valuable articles to school. The school does not take responsibility for any article or money lost.
Your co-operation is a must to ensure that no sharp, pointed or other dangerous articles are brought to the school.
Parents are expected to attend Parent-Teacher-Meet Sessions and sign the register kept with the class teacher. Failure to attend such sessions will force the school authorities to conclude that the parents/guardians are not sufficiently interested in the education of their son in the school