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The Xaverian Spirit

The Xaverian Spirit

The Xaverian Spirit is something that the students acquire and celebrate for almost 7 years of their life. The students go through the portals of this great institution which teaches them lessons that they will hold dear and will stand them in good stead This school was started in 1880.
The Xaverians come from different ethnicities and religions, customs and cultures, creed, but they work together under the same roof, sharing the same hopes, dreaming the same dreams. It matters little what version of religious faith one espouses. On the school campus they are all one. All differences and disparities are left outside the School gate.
This spirit of knowing and enquiring without fear has created many a merit holder in the Board exams, many a businessman with a conscience and national political leaders of high caliber.
A Strong Bond Between Students and Teachers
The Secret of success of our education is the strong bond that exists between the teacher and the student. It is a rare and strong one. It is also limited to children a teacher teaches. Some times as teachers we have a tendency to impose, convinced that we know what is right and what is the best. It is difficult to undermine our position of authority and grant leverage to the kids. But Xavier’s most of us have learnt that at times we need to trust the student and learn from them too-their decisions may be right, their instincts may hold good. Xavier’s is a fertile breeding ground for creativity and innovation and offers rich learning experiences for both the students and the teachers.
Teachers spend valuable time guiding and advising students. There have been times when a simple nod of approval or a word of encouragement has done wonders for a depressed child. An angry rebellious child has often been appeased by an understanding, yet wise and calm word from a teacher. Like the Mother seagull (Liam O’ Flaherty), at times the teachers present demanding or challenging situations before their young ones and help them gain confidence.